The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Cats’ Love for Cat Trees

Have you ever wondered why your feline friend is so attracted to that towering structure of carpet and sisal known as a cat tree? Cats are known for their love of climbing and exploring, and a cat tree provides the perfect outlet for these natural behaviors. But there’s more to this feline fascination than meets the eye. In this ultimate guide, we’ll delve into the reasons behind cats’ love for cat trees and how you can choose the best one for your furry friend.

Why Do Cats Love Cat Trees?

Cats are natural climbers and hunters. In the wild, they use trees as a vantage point to spot prey and as a safe haven from predators. Cat trees mimic this natural environment, providing a high perch from which your cat can survey its territory. Here are some key reasons why cats love cat trees:

  • Height and Security: Cats feel safer when they are high up. A cat tree provides a secure place where they can observe their surroundings without feeling threatened.

  • Exercise and Play: Cat trees offer a great way for cats to exercise, especially indoor cats. They can jump, climb, and scratch to their heart’s content.

  • Territory: Cats are territorial creatures. A cat tree is a piece of furniture that belongs solely to them, helping to reduce conflicts in multi-cat households.

  • Scratching: Cat trees often come with scratching posts. Scratching is a natural behavior for cats that helps them keep their claws healthy and mark their territory.

Choosing the Right Cat Tree

With so many cat trees on the market, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Size: Choose a cat tree that fits your space and is the right size for your cat. Larger cats need sturdier trees with larger perches.

  • Material: Look for a cat tree made of durable materials that can withstand your cat’s claws. Sisal-covered posts are a good choice for scratching.

  • Design: Consider your cat’s preferences. Some cats love to climb to the highest point, while others prefer hiding in enclosed spaces. Choose a design that suits your cat’s personality.


Understanding your cat’s love for cat trees can help you provide a more enriching and satisfying environment for your feline friend. By choosing the right cat tree, you can cater to your cat’s natural instincts and behaviors, making them happier and healthier. So, yes, cats really do love cat trees!