Is Dental Cleaning Covered by Pet Insurance? Exploring Coverage and Costs

As a pet owner, you understand the importance of your pet’s health, and that includes dental health. Regular dental cleanings can prevent serious health issues such as periodontal disease, tooth loss, and even heart disease. But, does pet insurance cover dental cleanings? The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. Let’s delve into the details of pet insurance coverage for dental cleanings and the associated costs.

Understanding Pet Insurance

Pet insurance is a policy purchased by a pet owner to reduce the overall costs of veterinary bills. It’s similar to human health insurance, with premiums, deductibles, and certain coverage policies. However, the coverage varies greatly depending on the insurance provider and the specific policy.

Is Dental Cleaning Covered by Pet Insurance?

Whether dental cleaning is covered by pet insurance largely depends on the specific policy. Some insurance providers offer dental cleaning as part of their wellness plans, while others only cover dental procedures related to accidents or illnesses. It’s crucial to read the fine print of your policy to understand what is and isn’t covered.

Wellness Plans vs. Accident/Illness Plans

Wellness plans typically cover routine care, including vaccinations, regular check-ups, and sometimes, dental cleanings. These plans are designed to maintain your pet’s overall health and prevent diseases. On the other hand, accident/illness plans cover treatments for specific illnesses or injuries, including dental problems resulting from these. However, these plans usually do not cover routine dental cleanings.

Costs Associated with Pet Dental Cleaning

The cost of pet dental cleaning can vary widely, depending on the location, the vet’s office, and the specific needs of your pet. On average, the cost can range from 0 to 0 per cleaning. If your pet insurance includes dental cleaning coverage, it can significantly reduce these out-of-pocket expenses.

Choosing the Right Pet Insurance

When choosing pet insurance, consider your pet’s specific needs. If your pet is prone to dental issues, a plan that includes dental cleaning might be a good investment. Always compare different insurance providers and plans to find the best fit for you and your pet.


In conclusion, whether dental cleaning is covered by pet insurance depends on the specific policy. It’s essential to understand what your policy covers to avoid unexpected costs. Regular dental cleanings are crucial for your pet’s health, so consider this factor when choosing a pet insurance plan.