The Ultimate Guide to Rex Cat Breeds: Discover the Surprising Variety!

When it comes to the world of feline breeds, few are as distinctive and diverse as the Rex. Known for their curly coats and playful personalities, Rex cats are a favorite among cat enthusiasts and pet owners alike. But did you know that there are actually several different types of Rex cats? In this guide, we’ll delve into the surprising variety of Rex cat breeds and what makes each one unique.

What are Rex Cats?

Rex cats are a group of cat breeds known for their unusual coats, which are often described as curly, wavy, or crimped. The term “Rex” is derived from the Latin word for “king,” reflecting the regal appearance of these cats. Despite their shared characteristic of a distinctive coat, Rex cat breeds can vary greatly in terms of size, color, and personality.

How Many Rex Cat Breeds Are There?

There are three main types of Rex cats: the Cornish Rex, the Devon Rex, and the Selkirk Rex. Each breed has its own unique characteristics and history.

Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex is the oldest of the Rex breeds, first discovered in Cornwall, England in the 1950s. These cats are known for their slender bodies, large ears, and wavy coats. They are highly active and playful, making them a great choice for families with children.

Devon Rex

The Devon Rex, named after the county of Devon in England where they were first discovered in the 1960s, have a similar appearance to the Cornish Rex but with a few key differences. They have shorter, softer coats and are often described as “pixie-like” due to their large eyes and ears. Devon Rex cats are also known for their playful and sociable nature.

Selkirk Rex

The Selkirk Rex is the newest and largest of the Rex breeds, first bred in the United States in the 1980s. Unlike the Cornish and Devon Rex, the Selkirk Rex has a thick, plush, and curly coat. They are known for their relaxed and easygoing nature, making them a great choice for a calm household.


Whether you’re drawn to the playful energy of the Cornish Rex, the pixie-like charm of the Devon Rex, or the plush curls of the Selkirk Rex, there’s a Rex cat breed to suit every preference. These unique and lovable cats are sure to bring joy and companionship to any home.